Monday, March 14, 2011

Letter to Self

For certain reasons I won't bother to explain, I was missing Egypt today. To remedy (or worsen) the feeling, I opened my box of memories from the Middle East and rediscovered this letter I wrote to myself just days before I left to come home to be read months after being back. I have found myself to be encouraging and convicting...ha. Here is an excerpt.

"Dear Danielle,
Time sure goes fast! It has been months since your huge Middle-Eastern adventure. I hope you've been processing, and I hope you've been able to retain and apply what you've learned. Have you maintained your MESP friendships? If you haven't in a while, you need to give a few calls/e-mails. I also hope you've been keeping up with ME news. I know you're busy, but please give time to reading and staying current. Have you contacted your homestay family? DON'T forget about them...
I don't know how you're doing spiritually, but I just hope you haven't stopped asking questions. It might be easier to shrug things off, but don't! Wrestle with God, Danielle. Don't be a coward. And don't wear a mask. Set an example of honesty and transparency. Keep having adventures, and most importantly, remember grace! Give grace, Danielle, because you have received an abundance of it. Don't judge peoples' ignorance, because you don't know much yourself.
Anyway, this is your senior year. Enjoy it! Don't regret it. Trust in God--even if you don't understand Him.

1 comment:

  1. you are encouraging and convicting. wonderful letter to self!
